Saturday, July 31, 2010
So I've realised it's been awhile since I gave a personal update,so here it goes:For the past week, Operation Red Octopus was in progress. The exercise commenced on monday and was successfully concluded on Friday. No causalities, package was delivered and the birthday girl was caught unawares. Well done team! Lol:)I recently had a bike accident. It was raining that morning,and I was going down a slope. An 'auntie' was coming up the narrow slope. I had no way to move, and i jam-braked,skidded,flew off my bike and hit a metal pole on my left arm(thank God I didnt dislocate my shoulder). I crashed into the grass patch.And the 'auntie' took one look behind and kept on going. Sigh.I'm better now,just a few new scars for the count haha.Yesterday I went to volunteer at Kevin's event. It was a heritage trail@ Kovan and I was the bus guide. Firstly it was hot hot hot! Not a single cloud in the sky. Could'nt find a white shirt for the event so had to get a striped one,looked weird. And somewhere else in Singapore,another girl was regretting her decision of wearing a long-sleeved shirt....:)The first 2 rounds were interesting, I spoke to the local residents and had fun interacting with them. then the remaining three bus rides WERE EMPTY! Apparently some publicity issues,so no one heard that this event was ongoing. But the TP students working on the project really did their best and were professional about it,so hats off to them.I just finished my latest round of examinations. I aim to get at least 60 for mathematics and sciences,the rest all A1. I gave it my best shot,so we shall see how far that goes along:)Alrighty that's all folks!I think I just might be falling for you after all. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."
Darmuis blogged at 10:25 PM
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
If only happiness was seen this easily eh? We would all stay on that street forever:)
Darmuis blogged at 6:44 AM
The feeling of winning.
The rush of blood to my head,pumped from my heart as I know my game is beautifully laid out before me.
The knowledge that I am in control of the board,that my moves determine my opponent's defeat.
The fact that my opponent is opposite me panicking and wondering what to do.
The pleasure in knowing that finally,I can take him and earn that win.
The sudden defensive move,unexpected and disastrous.
The sinking feeling you get when your defense is totally penetrated.
The sad, maybe resigned feeling you get when you know that you're going to lose.
The possibility of drawing if your opponent decides to be a gentleman.
The feeling of losing.
Darmuis blogged at 6:34 AM
Monday, July 19, 2010

You rock! Rock on! :)
Make this world yours!
Darmuis blogged at 6:39 AM
Ever felt that sometimes life hurts too much, like the whole world around you is falling apart?Felt like you could'nt trust anyone,because it's just not safe to do that anymore?Never been able to express your true feelings for fear of an unwanted reaction?Well I've got news if you do feel like that. It's perfectly normal. At a point of our lives, we all reach an all time low, which we feel that we can never get up and walk again after that. That perhaps all our lives led to this moment in which we fell and cried so hard that we can't get up again.But hey. That's life. It's very simple to say these two words just like that,and expect an instant cure. Life does'nt work that way. Everything you do, everything you've ever done, has an impact on you. The question is if you actually feel it now or later.
So don't despair. Like baby turtles,take small,baby steps till you can stand. You will fall,and it will hurt. But you can stand up again and keep walking. Because after each fall you know you can survive,you will survive to take the next step. Because you are special,unique and beautiful no matter what anyone says. Because you exist for a reason,that you'll probably spend the rest of your life finding out why.
So run free. Be strong,life's not done with you yet! :)
Darmuis blogged at 6:22 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Smile. Because the sun is shining today. Because you woke up and you were not late for class. Because today the bus was fast,smelled nice and was empty. Because today you were given a pleasant surprise by your friends/classmates/work colleagues and that made you very happy.Because your favourite song was played on the radio today. Because someone complimented on your new dress/jeans/hairstyle. Because you saw a baby smiling beautifully at you. Because some hot guy/girl waved at you. Because you received a phone call you've been expecting for a long,long time. Because someone close to your heart sent you a text message telling you how much they love you and want you in their lives always. Because you liked this post.I could go on,but I think you see the point here. Smile,because you definitely will be more beautiful both on the outside and inside. Never let this world get to you. Its like a game,the longer you smile and tell yourself "Hey this is not so bad, I can do this!" the more points you get. At the end of the day,if the smile remains you win!So just keep smiling,keep keep smiling!~For those who need this special mini-cheer up boost:)
Darmuis blogged at 2:36 AM
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Really liked this picture! Lol.
Darmuis blogged at 7:11 PM