Thursday, April 29, 2010
So what do I do now? NS wont grant me deferment(its already been 9 days waiting),and my good old dad thinks I'm fucking lazy because I want to do a private diploma part-time in NS. He thinks I'm taking the easy way out.
Well maybe I am. Because I feel like a fucking idiot repeating my O levels for the goddam fourth time. Because everytime I look at my freaking textbooks and work, I resent myself because I feel like a failure that simply cant move on from this O level shit.When all my classmates ask me why am I repeating my steps,I ask myself FUCKING WHY TOO?
Seriously,I feel like some loser who simply is stuck here and there. My dad is taking out over 3k just for me to re-take my O's. You think I dont appreciate that? That is alot of goddam money right there! He thinks that I'm taking this lightly,WELL I SURE AS FUCK DONT THINK SO! I want to give him those grades. But how do you expect me to study 5 topics during NS? And then there's MATHS! YOU KNOW I'M A GODDAM SCREW-UP WHEN I STUDY MATHS,YET YOU STILL WANT ME TO STUDY IT DURING NS!
He and my aunt want me to retake my O's. I know,I know,the majority of students in Poly are O level grads. And yes,it is the best way if I want to end up there. But FUCK IT! I'm really so done with studying just to get some diploma. I'm just fed up of circling and circling.
I should clarify that my dad does'nt think I'm lazy doing a part time dip. He just thinks its the easy way out. Well let me just say this: Is studying during NS easy? Thats what I want to do,to save time and at least do something with my education while in NS. He has considered this option,but he STILL FEELS THAT O LEVELS ARE THE ONLY WAY TO A DIPLOMA!
I just dont know what to do. And honestly,fuck it. So what if I dont make it and dont get a diploma? Just fuck it.
Darmuis blogged at 9:17 PM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Just some beautiful photos from the Net:
Newborn baby: Reminds us of the innocence we once had:)
Peregrine Falcon: One of the most beautiful animals alive and my favourite bird:)
Deep sea fish: Sadly,scientists estimate that by 2040, all these powerful elegant fish will be extinct
Great white shark: The tiger of the seas. If you see him this close,time to start praying.
F-16 Fighting Falcon: One of the most agile and versatile fighter planes ever made. Never, never try to outrun this guy.
Darmuis blogged at 8:05 PM
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Threads of love,threads of lifeI've always believed that we are all linked. Somewhere,someone,somehow. If we actually trace our links,we all know each other via a friend,family member or neighbours. If we're destined to meet,our threads will lead us to one another. It may get tangled or stretched,but it will never break.So I'm believing that my thread is linked to yours,my love
Darmuis blogged at 8:05 AM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
As the beautiful rose petals spread across the sky, I recall to mind the first time I heard your laughter. Like this picture,full of life and love. It is but a brief moment frozen in time,yet it remains clearly etched in my mind. For in that moment I saw you,in all your beauty and happiness, and liked what I saw.
Like the softest breath of spring,you came unknowingly and unwittingly into my life. Like the Aurora Borealis, you came and went in a flash, leaving behind only a frozen portion in time for me to keep as a memory. As it is with everything beautiful, you paused only to light up my life for a few moments,then faded away leaving me behind in the gathering darkness.
In this dark, frozen wasteland, I walk, lost and cold. With only memories of you, I am able to see some light, a glimmer of hope that not all is lost. But this wasteland is harsh, and without your presence I might not survive to see your dance in the night sky again.
Darmuis blogged at 5:19 AM