Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ok that last part of the title was not relevant to this post,but I kinda liked it so...
Anyway, I am afraid that I have very bad news to report my dear readers. Two of the people whom I know very well, Mr Cai Dingjie and Ms. Siti Masturah....
ARE DOWN WITH CHICKEN POX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My total and absolute sympathy to the both of them. Seriously, because I havent been infected by it before,so I really hope for the best for them. Get well soon guys:)
A few days ago, to my horror,my teacher announced that cashflow statements and cash budgeting
WILL be tested in the final paper.I was so used to learning a particular topic, doing lots of practice for it,them throwing away the notes after the papers! Sigh. Thank God really, that this time I was too lazy to do so, but now I gotta try to remember these subjects. Oh well should be lots of practice time!
Btw, for all those interested in applying for Poly courses, the Joint Poly Admissions Exercise (JPAE) will be carried out from 8 Feb-12 Feb 4pm. So guys dont miss it:) All the best!
Darmuis blogged at 5:05 AM
Friday, January 22, 2010
So yeah my phone died awhile ago,for those of you who didnt know. The story goes like that:
Last Sunday, I was out with my dad. As we were out the whole evening, my phone was quiet. No messages,no calls. That was not unusual. What was unusual was when I got home, the phone was super super hot!
I quickly flipped the phone open,the display was dead. I opened up the back and popped the battery and left it on the table to cool off. When I felt it wasnt cooling down fast enough, I put everything into the freezer.
Yes yes, I know, you're not supposed to do that...But hey,I was desparate:)
So,in conclusion, my phone is resting in peace now haha.

I miss the beach:( Miss the pounding winds,the rushing surf,the long blue bay.
So would someone be a darling,
And organise a beach outing for me?
Darmuis blogged at 5:37 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Well guys its my usual update time today...
I like sunsets. I think they're beautiful,because its the last moment of daylight for the day,and its the most beautiful time as well.
So today, I went for my ear-syringing appointment at the polyclinic. The doctor was a nice,jovial kind who spent the next 25mins injecting about 1.5L of water into my left ear. Lol. Thats because despite me dropping ear oil to soften the wax,it was so stubborn and it refused to budge!:)
Well I guess time and lots of water eventually won the battle haha. So my left ear is finally clear! And my right one had some "renovations" too to improve the "ahem" acoustic qualities of the ear and to better enhance the capture of sound waves.
Well moving on...Qiurui has found a new job,which starts today. Wishing you all the best dear Qiu! :) I,too will be working pretty pretty soon.
NS is coming up! This year will be an important year for me,because it will determine what I'll be doing for the next 10 years at least. My career as a Police Officier looks pretty solid so far,haha,and yeah will let you all know what going on about it in a future post.
Love and relationships. Well,to be honest, right now there is no one on my mind. Several people might be mistaken that I've fallen for someone,but I havent,actually. I realise now, that perhaps I havent really met the girl I'm looking for.
You see, yesterday night I ran thru a mental list of all the girls I ever had feelings for and I came up with one common thing: all of them had some quality,or factor that drew me to them. So I realised that till today, I havent found a person that I truly,deeply loved. Even
She,whom I liked for more than 6 years, it was actually a buildup of feelings. Today, I dont love
Her anymore,and to be honest she's quickly becoming less of a friend daily.
So I guess I gotta wait by the corner with roses and chocolates,and hope that you,my love come around the corner smiling at me.
Darmuis blogged at 3:35 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I just thought I'll put up these three poems. They were NOT written by me,but they're beautiful. Enjoy:)
He wishes for the cloths of heavanHad I the heavan's embroided cloths,
Enwrought with gold and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths,
Of night and day and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet;
But I,being poor,have only my dreams;
Tread lightly because you tread on my dreams
W.B Yeats
Maybe Maybe I believe him,maybe not
Maybe I can love him,maybe not
Maybe the wind on the prairie
The wind on the sea,maybe
Somebody,someone,maybe,can tell
I will lay my head on his shoulder
And when he asks me I will say yes,
Carl SandburgLove Poem
Sharing one umbrellaWe have to hold each otherRound the waist to keep togetherYou ask me why I'm smiling-Its because I'm thinkingI want it to rain forever Vicki Feaver
Darmuis blogged at 6:07 AM
So yeah guys updating in progess...
Hmm I decided to do up a list of names, see if I have a complete list of friends from A-Z
A- Aaron Tan,Aaron Poh,Alex
C-Cherie Neo
G- Grace Han En
I- Ibrahim
M-Masturah,Meiyun,Meng Yuan
Y-Yuru, Yaode
Haha so lets see those are all I can remember so far. Do tag me if I've forgotten your name,and I'll be sure to add you inside the list!
Darmuis blogged at 5:57 AM