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Thursday, December 31, 2009 Happy 2010 everyone:) I`ll just like to say a simple prayer for everyone reading this post: Dear God, Let babies be born in 2010 And let them be blessed Let kids grow up and learn the ways of the world And let them learn the ways to save it Let all those in love stay in love and treasure each other Let those who cant find love Find their reason for being alive Let those who are ill,injured or broke The strength to get up and pull through Let those who dont believe in themselves Realise how special and important they are Finally, Let there be food and water for every table Let be plenty of sunlight,warmth and love Let every person remember the year in their unique way Let it be a good 2010 Darmuis blogged at 8:19 AM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Well this is the post I will make before my birthday tmr. As the year comes to a close, my birthday approaches. After waiting 363 days, I get to be the same age as my friends in the same age group for just one day. Haha. To be honest I feel like a leap year baby,but at least my birthday comes every year,not once in every 5:) 2009. The year before 2010. What can I say about this year? They say its not possible to remember every single that happened to you,and its true I dont really remember what happened in detail. But this is my 2009: I started the year off knowing it was my 2nd year in ITE College East. I was also "asked" to retake my Mathematics O levels again. I put in hours into my Student Seminer project with my team,and we paid off by scoring top everywhere. I want to thank all of you guys for the hard work and sacrificing your personal and school time to deliver the project at our expected standard and beyond. Through we didnt manage to showcase it, I have no doubt it would've been a success,and if I had to do it all over again with you guys, I would:) I met someone special at the Student Seminar. Through I fell in love with her at first sight, I now realise it is not possible between the both of us. Because she has her own principles and beliefs,which I respect, and mine. So the best I can hope for is friendship,which is fine too:) I became closer to a friend,and I thought it was the beginning of love. She was nice and I liked her company and attitude. It seems too early to tell if there might be something between us, but I shall wait and see. I started the year single,and I'm ending the year single haha. To be honest, I am happy. Althought I have'nt met her yet, I've been thru quite abit at the dating game and to be honest, it is NOT easy at all. I always thought relationships are easy to maintain as all you need is good communication with your partner. But after trying my hand at dating,and seeing the couples around me as a live example, you need the following: Patience: Always let your partner explain their actions. Never rush them or they might end up feeling pressured or worse,they might end up lying to stop you from being angry. As a good friend once sent me this message: The reason your partner lies to you,is because you didnt give him enough space to tell the truth! Interesting eh? Compromise: We are all humans. We all have our needs and preferances. I've seen partners who totally give way to their opposites because they want to see them happy. Although it is a delicate situation, I believe that it is win-win for both parties,because one is happy with the arrangements and the other is happy that everything is going well. So to all my couple friends,dont take it for granted! :) Endurance: To last in a relationship, endurance is needed. to travel daily to meet the person,to have meals and make dates and book places and tickets and food and drinks and having to put with their mood swings and attitudes. It takes alot. My deepest respect! *salutes* Forgiveness: Forgive,forgive and forgive. I have seen,countless times, how a word or an action,in anger,can ruin a perfectly good evening or even worst, a lasting relationship. So please guys,treasure what you have. I understand that you will get angry sometimes,it is inveitable humans after all are not perfect. But guys,you have no idea how lucky you are,that you have someone to back you up in an argument,someone to care for you when you're sick,someone to make your day. So dont let it all go waste because of one mistake. Because guys,really,you have no idea how wistful I get sometimes when I look at you,and wonder if I will get that same feeling too. So guys, that is my 2009. It is 22:58 now, 2hr 02mins to midnight and my birthday. Happy 19th birthday Adnan:) Darmuis blogged at 6:17 AM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Attention all readers: My 100 lap attempt will be made on 28 December, 9am at YSC (Yishun Swimming Complex), if the weather permits. I would appreciate your presance, and will be more motivated to finish the attempt. I shall start at 9~9:30am, and I hope to finish at 11:30~12noon. Do join me in the water if possible:) *For those not swimming, you might want to consider coming at around 10:30~11am onwards, as you will be bored coming too early. I hope to see you all there. Pls msg or call me for details. Till then,ciao:) Darmuis blogged at 10:51 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009 Well this is Post 101! Hahaha I had some feedback about my previous post, some of my friends thought I was in a relationship or something haha. Well no, I am still SINGLE and AVAILABLE,so all single girls out there do feel free to CALL or SMS me! Hehe effective advertising:) Its been kinda long time I've been in love actually,to be honest. I mean, I do have feelings for that special someone, but I dont know why for the last week or so, it seems to be...cooling off. On the other hand, its not so bad, and I still can talk to her as a friend. Some of you might have noticed my MSN tagline saying things like :I love you @ 00:00 -/-/- or I miss you @ 00:00 -/-/-. It is NOT for one single person. I love ALL of my readers and friends. And I miss ALL of them as well. So dont go drawing the wrong conclusions:) The month of December is finally here! As last year, my birthday is coming, and as last year, its at the very end of the year! Haha. But I think in this post I'll list my top ten wishes for 2010 Dear God, as per your request, I have written up and attached a copy of my personal wishes for 2010. Please review it and amend accordingly and send me back a draft. Thanks:) 1. Let the COP 15 succeed and do something so that we humans will treasure and save our Earth 2.Let humans and Singaporeans in general treasure their lives and help them to fulfil it 3. Let there be beautiful sunrises and equally beautiful sunsets. 4. Let there be music to uplift the soul 5. Let all my friends who are in a relationship prosper and be content:) 6. Let my single friends find their true partners! 7. Let there be more chocolates hahaha! 8. Keep my family,loved ones and friends away from illness and mishaps 9.Give my family,loved ones and friends true happiness 10. Fulfil our little bargain:) Thats all for now! Will post again for New Year's resolutions! Darmuis blogged at 5:14 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009 Well guys I have got something urgent to tell you! Something which I've been wanting to happen has happened.... For a long time, I've waited for this day... To be honest, I never thought this day would actually come, I'm really so happy! ... Infact I dont know how to share this news with you, But I guess this is the simplest way I thought of. Guys.... Ready? THIS IS MY 100 BLOG POST! WOOHOO! Lol:) Forgive me dont kill me~ Darmuis blogged at 6:02 AM
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