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Saturday, July 18, 2009 L-Life long O-Oath that is taken to V- Value, treasure and protect E- Everything important to you This word has done many many things. It has created and destroyed empires,people,economies and even families. And scientists have tried to find out the secret of this powerful emotion. But so far,they've only managed to come up with a few messy formulae and a chemical equation. Is that really love? Love is when you feel the morning sun brush your skin and warms you from the cold night Love is when you feel the breeze as you stick your head outside the window Love is when you look at your body, and are thankful for what you have Love is loving yourself Love is accepting the apologies of the people trying to squeeze pass you on the bus Love is helping the lady up after she falls,despite everyone else stares' Love is smiling at the kid playing happily in his/her parents lap Love is being the one to help first Love is to embrace your friends mean jokes with a smile Love is to let them borrow your arm,hand or shoulder without a time limit Love is to quietly encourage your friends to be themselves when they're with you Love is to be the forgiving one Love is an artist's inspiration Love is a measure of devotion to God Love is expression of a musician's emotions Love is belief So don't get down just because you get knocked out in the fight of life. Love is there for you. Just because it hurt once doesn't mean it will again. Love is everything mentioned above,and more. So don't weep because love left you broken into pieces Because if love breaks you down, it will glue you back together:) So have faith,in yourself and love. Because love doesn't abandon you when you need it. *Dedicated to those who currently are through the various stages of love*
Darmuis blogged at 11:59 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009 Well, shall let the pictures do the talking:) credits to meiyun (the lady in blue) and all associated photographers haha ![]() C'est Perfecto..:) ![]() Dude, isnt it a little too small for...? ![]() Ladies and Gentleman, we are gathered here today... Darmuis blogged at 7:50 AM
Sunday, July 12, 2009 Well went bowling with Meiyun and Ding. Didnt manage to get all the videos due to connection error, but got 1:) Well this is what happened: we wanted to go Sakura Buffet, so we competed to see who really really really wants to go:) Listen carefully you might hear some familiar names haha Darmuis blogged at 8:57 AM
Saturday, July 4, 2009 Well now school's starting tmr,so thought I'll just list the things I need to get done for this half of the year: 1. Study my costing and Advanced Accounting. 2.Finish the TPS project by today!!!!!! 3.Study for my O levels mathematics (27-28 Oct) 4. Prepare and write my YMCA speech!! by today as well! Overall it was a good holiday. Went to a seminar and made new friends, went to a chalet and went all out crazy and now it's back to work. I guess no more staying up late already:( I think that it'll be a quick,short journey. By the end of the year school would have ended and then...what? Cherie,Qiurui,Alex,Wanqi,Grace,Meng Yuan,Nigel. I would not have met these 7 individuals who changed my life so much,had I not gone to ITE CE. Especially the first 2:) I hope that I will not fade into the background once we graduate. That I'll always be a part of their lives and they, a part of mine. ITE has been,really, a changing experience. I used to be quiet and awkward around girls in general, but now I've gotten over that (mostly). And I never had that much fun before. And to my older but definately not forgotten friends; Meiyun,Dingjie,Masturah,Justin,Aaron,Hadi. You guys have been there for me as well, and we had a great time together. And to that someone special: I hope we get to know each other better too:) Let us all not forget each other next time when we're working or tied up in meetings:) Labels: To the new term :) Darmuis blogged at 6:25 PM
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