Saturday, May 30, 2009

To all my reader of my story-blog: The lighthouse, I apologise if I have not updated it for quite awhile.

The truth is that there will be no new updates at present as I have lost the inspiration to write, combined with a medium workload schedule.

I might continue again in 3 months time. Who knows.

But thank you very much anyway,for reading it and supporting it. Hope you enjoyed it, because I enjoyed writing for you.

Darmuis blogged at 6:26 AM

I guess you might have heard this already,but I thought I should just put this out:

My team made it thru the Inter-school compeition and made it into the top 4

My team made it thru the Inter-College and was the only College East team.

Two weeks ago, we were enthusiatically planning our main presentation.

Then we were told that the Hong Kong delegation wanted to present on that day too.

And they picked out theme: YouthTek.

So they dropped us out.

Dropped us out.


Darmuis blogged at 6:22 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Done in 15mins. representation of anger,frustration and my skill at Paint. So like yeah. i dont want to comment.

Darmuis blogged at 6:49 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ok guys at first this video may seem scary, even a little bloody, but tis funny in the end. Enjoy:)

Darmuis blogged at 3:21 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Well guys sorry didn't update for such a long time, but was very tired to do so. Anyway after 2 weeks of struggling with scripts and drama and reaching home late in the night,we presented our Student Seminar project last week on Friday.

There were alot of great teams. the one which i really liked was the CC Yishun (ironic because i live in Yishun, but my team is CE Simei). They really had a dazzling performance. They put up a practice run before their actual presentation and we all applauded them because they were that good!

Anyway to my own team...well we worked damn hard for the past two weeks, i had to skip lessons almost daily just to hold meetings and on Tuesday i even accompanied 2 members of my team and went down to CC Dover to do voice recording. Seriously all of us put in a lot of hard work, one of my team members is from RP, and she had to rush down every time we had practised. So we just put on the best show we could. The result?

The good news?: We don't have to worry about the performance anymore because its finally over.

The bad news? : we are going to have to meet more often, because WE MADE IT!

Yeah man, I'm just so happy that all my team's efforts were seen. Of course I thank God for pushing us thru to the finals! Now we're gonna have to work harder and push thru to present on the day itself:)

Anyway here is the tune we played during the presentation. Those of you who watch soccer might have heard this before. Enjoy:)

Darmuis blogged at 7:11 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

At the Esplanade. Beautiful isnt it?

Don't ask. Thats something which I'm too afraid to talk about lol

My future housing estate:)

Group photo (from left): me,aaron(wtf you doing man!),Ding,Hadi's sister,Hadi

Aww,how sweet! Love in the sky haha:)

Well aint that a sight!

Just letting my mind wonder...and hoping a helicopter doesn't hit us lol:)

Before boarding the capsule...don't ask me why I look like that I really don't know! Wow I have bad eye bags!

My best buddies Aaron and Hadi

Me Aaron and Meiyun at the start

Darmuis blogged at 8:10 PM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wow i am exhausted. Today didnt go sch cuz ytd went to Singapore Flyer with meiyun ding aaron hadi and his sister.

I wanted to go the Flyer for a very long time,so it was great and we all had fun. Meiyun was so excited jumping around the cabin haha. She was the most euthastic amongst us,well meiyun im glad you had fun:)

Woke up at 11:35pm last nite and had a hell of a time in the toilet. It serouisly was one bad stomach ache and i wanted to die...

Now better but still didnt go to sch. stayed home,gotta write the roleplay script. Sigh,I mean its the third re-write, I am honestly tired of doing it. I want my team to be top, but with so many changes...oh well guess i just gotta do my best

Anyway,sighing off first. Have a nice day ppl:)

Darmuis blogged at 8:13 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dear Mr Cupid,
I write to you today,hoping that this letter finds you in horrible weather because that's how you've made my life! Your company promised high quality and unique merchandise when we entered into a contract. Under the terms of this contract 'Love', I am supposed to receive a daily dose of love from my merchandise and at least no fewer than 30 messages a day from the moment I am awake till I go to bed. I am supposed to feel cared,wanted and love at all times. Yet this was sadly lacking in your product.

I intend to sue your company for breach of trust. You promised me that strict quality control was assured and loyalty was there, yet the product malfunctioned as soon as it came into contact with other girls. Your customer service was also very unhelpful as they failed to respond to any quires on how to deal with the 'Rejection' mode on the product. How is the public going to have faith in your products when they malfunction so quickly,even after following the 'Care Manual'?

Mr Cupid, you have been in this industry forever. your job is an important one,where all our happiness and content lie in. And this is the service I can expect to receive? Please rectify your error so that your products will cease to malfunction and public faith will be restored in your product known as 'Love'

Yours not-so-faithfully,
Mr Nice Guy

-To all my friends out there with relationship problems,Cheer up its gonna be fine:)

Darmuis blogged at 4:04 PM