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Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Yep guys this is a double post sorry lah,today have to write like that cuz today seems like got two sides to me... CHERIE BUNRED ME!!! Yep thats right,while at tampines mall,she held a lighter underneath my chin and burned watever hair that was left there...cherie i understand that you want me to shave,BUT YOU COULD HAVE JUS TOLD ME! GRR! Anyway,today quite tired lah,SW ran two rounds ard the track...despite wearing weights,legs feel alrite but my lungs outta air..sigh,like no difference..then played basketball with the rest of them..scored two goals..once by accident,the second by luck...so yep tmr not going to sch cuz got dental apt hopefully doctor wil ask me to wear my retainers only at night,so can eat in peace,without removing and stuff... Labels: School`s such a drag...seriously Darmuis blogged at 7:22 AM
Where are you my love? Why do you not appear before my eyes,despite the longing in them? Why are`nt you there to give my aching heart some relief? Why are you always within sight,yet when i glance again,you are together with my dreams? What was my crime,besides loving you,that this is to be my punishment? That which is the stuff of love novels,the musings of poets,the dryness of the skin after rain? I may not be the one for you, but perhaps we could leave things to chance and maybe you might find it true that this isnt the last dance so I`m already crazy about you, you win Just tell me where you are hmm? Cuz i still love you And i miss you Terribly. Labels: Dreams are your domain, yet i wish you could but take a step into my life Darmuis blogged at 6:27 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008 well guys its been awhile since i wrote,thats cuz im too tired from sch,or sick to write,or playing games or simply dont bother lol:) anyway still got lots of phelgm stuck in my throat and it doesnt seem to be leaving soon..ah well atleast im slightly better than poor qiu,whos got the flu..and sounds like a guy lol. anyway get well soon qiu,cuz i dont want to hear your "manly" voice forever:) i bought a new puzzle recently...like 6 days ago i think..quite beautiful but dont hav time to finish..its like a picture thats being drawn slowly,line by line,stroke by stroke...but almost there so yea... sigh...who are you beautiful lady? the one that invaded my dreams last nite? i still can remember the fall of the rain on your shoulders and hair,glistering like drops of silver..who are you hmm? Labels: restoration, revelation, transformation Darmuis blogged at 7:28 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 well guys this is gonna be a pretty short post cuz im totally wiped out and i barely have enough energy to type too much well i`ve been at sch for 3 days and this is the first thing i gotta say: IT REALLY SUCKS! i mean my timetable is a killer two days is full fr 8-5...sigh.. plus i got this stupid cough and phelgm and its not gone despite finishing all the medicine prescribed by the doctor... then theres the projects that need to be done: one for BCM,which im gonna do the US Presidential Election then the one for PM still havent decided wat to do yet then the one for my elective MPS( Managing People and Systems),which basically has the highest failure rate... yep thats all for now... good thing tmr by chance got one day off... Labels: love is like the oasis in the desert of life Darmuis blogged at 6:41 AM
Saturday, October 11, 2008 well as the title suggests i took the Singapore Flyer! wah i tell you damn scary in the beginning ,my heart was pounding violently against my ribcage..thought it was gonna stop totally..cuz i got fear of heights then still go Singapore Flyer. but my dad ask me come along try try...so try lah. anyway its quite beautiful up there managed to get one capsule on our own so cam make noise at 165m above the ground( yep that high!) anyway its quite worth it lah,alto we didnt pay the usual price it costs $29.50 per adult...i think its cuz for every min ur in the air ur charged $1..cuz the ride is 30mins,so it adds up quite magnificent the view from the top...u get like 10secs on top of everything,except ur not flying but staying still..literally. can see till quite far,but could`nt see other countries alto that was promised in the brochure..ah well at least get to see S`pore from a bird`s eye view. me and my dad like maniac taking photos of my mom and bro who refused to get from the benches for the whole ride till the end..lol anyway its kinda late so gotta. goodnite ppl :) Labels: I wanna go stay in Istanbul Darmuis blogged at 8:57 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold.... I see your lips, the summer kisses The sunburned hands, I used to hold Since you went away, the days grow long And soon I'll hear ol' winter's song. But I miss you most of all my darling, When autumn leaves start to fall. Since you went away, the days grow long And soon I'll hear ol' winter's song. But I miss you most of all my darling, When autumn leaves start to fall. Labels: Autumn leaves Darmuis blogged at 6:27 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008 haha well in case you guys are wondering wat the title means, its a old song featured in the movie "Top Gun". have`nt blogged for abit so here it goes, today i went to the airport to send my cousin off. she was going home after abt 2-3mths stay here in Singapore. so i guess im kinda moody because we are very close and im gonna miss her loads...alto i might be going to see her next year in India..thats something to look forward to i guess :) you know how sometimes something or someone enters your life and suddenly your`re not that same person you used to be. you smile alot more,laugh more and realize that maybe life isnt so bad after all...then you realize that that element in your life is temporary and it will depart just as you start to open up again,that it was never meant to be permanent because its jus like that. so then what happens? you realize that this is how you want your life to be this is how you like it,but by the time you try to do something, its gone..gone..gone so then what happens? you end up in my position: you know that the best thing to do is to let it go and hope for the best, but somehow you want to be selfish and hold on beacause you want to have more memories and you want to be happy. Labels: sigh... Darmuis blogged at 7:15 AM
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