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Saturday, August 30, 2008 well yesterday i went to the RSAF Open House 2008. it was pretty cool,although the displays were the same like every year....next year promises to be different though,with the introduction of the F-15SG while i was there with aaron, it began to RAIN. BIG BIG DROPS. since aaron was sick,and apperently there was a risk of lightning we had to go hide in the hangers with the rest of the crowd...shame tho because the aerial display was about to begin and the ground crew together with their planes and pilots were on standby, the engines roaring jus waiting to go...ah well as it was getting late, both of us went home. i got my retainers on friday and boy i hate them already. i cant speak properly with them on, and it sounds like a weird accent or something...Changi..lol hope you get the joke :). but hopefully i`ll able to wear them only at night in two months time.. fingers crossed oh yea on fri i sent cherie off at the airport as well...haha cherie if you`re reading this i hope that you`re having fun over there :)...take care alright i`ll see you when you get back :) Labels: ... Darmuis blogged at 8:45 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008 Ppl heres a song that u guys shud hear, i`ll type the lyrics. thats mostly what i feel anyway haha.. If the hero never comes to you If you need someone you're feeling blue If you're away from love and you're alone If you call your friends and nobody's home You can run away but you can't hide Through a storm and through a lonely night Then I show you there's destiny The best things in life they're free Chorus:But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder If you need someone who cares for you If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder Yes I show you what real love can do If your sky is grey oh let me know There's a place in heaven where we'll go If heaven is a million years away Oh just call me and I make your day When the nights are getting cold and blue When the days are getting hard for you I will always stay here by your side I promise you I'll never hide Repeat chorus What real love can do x6 btw the band`s name is: deutshland sucht den Superstar (DSDS)... Labels: one of the great tragedies in life is unreturned love, the other is the dedicated lover Darmuis blogged at 6:46 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Ok the stupid comp jus didnt save wat i wrote so im RE-TYPING EVERYTHING AGAIN! THANK YOU BLOGSPOT! anywy sorry guys have nt posted for two days...didnt have energy to do so..alto i did have time for WoW...haha well these past two days,MY life has been pretty normal.(note the word "my" is in capitals because im not saying that nothing has happened to me or my friends,but rather,i am of the opinion that because these events did not affect me directly, and i have to use my discretion to acknowlegde that these events did take place to my friends,however due to restricted policies and personal principles i will not go into any further details about what happened) (points to above paragraph) confused? yea me too:) anyway two nights ago i woke up at 2am, and basically vomitted my stomach out...ouch...the stomach acid was super painful at the back of my throat...and it happened AGAIN! today so i went to the doc to get it checked on...he didnt say much,alto he did advise me to stop eating humans for awhile..oops was not supposed to put that down... Labels: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country Darmuis blogged at 8:21 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008 ok well,today when i was brushing my teeth felt weird cuz normally i brush above and below my bracers,so when i brushed,it felt too smooth haha...does it normally feel that way? well i dunno?? ok today was pretty boring actually alto i went to meet aaron and collect my cash,turns out that his ATM`s with his mum, who is in MALAYSIA!. ah well gotta wait i guess nothing i can do about it. Today`s thought of the day: Remember Titanic? well in the last part,Jack dies to put Rose on the floating door? do you guys think he did the right thing? do you think it is worth it to sacrifice your life for your loved one? how far would you go to protect and cherish the one you loved? hmm...deep thoughts and questions..which can only be answered if you leave comments!!! Hidden from plain view i continue to love you My love is a poem that is written in the stars and skies, And it is the thread that binds you to me... well those are the opening lines to my new poem,if u guys got anything to add,jus leave a comment:) Labels: Lean on me if you need me Darmuis blogged at 6:46 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008 Yep ppl today is the day they`re gone. but seriously,when the doc took it off was damn painful...she polished scraped and basically put my teeth thru lots of pain for abt 1/2hr. but worth it,finally its off. but feel weird lah..haha..after all been wearing metal in my mouth for 4years so not used to it....all of you guys who never wear bracers you guys are lucky...haha keep on checking to see if they`re really gone.. anyway in the morning helped my dad to do more work...hmm seems that my house undergoing some major renovations. ah well got money to be earned so im not complaining :) hmm..dunno lah today im just happy that my bracers are finally gone...alto next week going back for retainers(removable bracers)...gotta wear that for abt one more year...but for now,one week without anything in my mouth:) anyway thats all for today...today i dunno lah, had sumthing to say but in the end didnt...cuz after all whats the point hmm??? but its okay,im already used to it. i just had to write this here so that the person concerned might get a hint....if he/she doesnt oh well, i myself dunno whether should i even say it. ok enough confusion..signing off... Labels: I wonder how, I wonder why, yesterday you were telling me about the blue blue sky and all i can see is just a yellow lemon tree Darmuis blogged at 5:58 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008 Well, today im blogging at this time because i just helped my dad fix up 2 DOUBLE-DECKER BEDS!!! Irritating washers and screws and planks and everthing else. carry wood till my hands cant move that much. yes i know im weak now i realize that..ah well.. anyway today morning was pretty normal,everything was ok....till the debarrment list came out. when i saw cherie`s NRIC there, my heart dropped like a stone. alto the three of us have similar attendence in sch, i wish she didnt get debarred from all her papers...nvm i wil help her after that went to meet mas at macdonald`s....we were there to study,but ended up laughing fit to burst. seriously lah laugh till want to die...this was the joke if you can follow it ITE->ppl->animals->masters->beasts->i forgot what else. haha thinking about it now still makes me laugh :) anyway tmr`s the day!!!! GOODBYE BRACERS!! Fingers crossed, hopefully doc will not delay the removal...been waiting for 4 years for the day:) Labels: De Oppose Liber Darmuis blogged at 7:28 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Interesting date today eh? apperently its a unique once in a lifetime match kinda thing. ah well, signs arent everything haha... today on my way home on the 858, i fell asleep. normally i do that all the time but today i was quite tired so i slept longer than expected... when i woke... i saw lots of trees? and i wondered does Yishun have that many trees? maybe im still on the expressway. so i continued looking...GUESS WAT? GAMBAS AVENUE!!! Yep i slept past my stop...arrgh!!...ah well happens to everyone,had to take another train back down from woodlands today`s thought of the day: i read in the papers about this person`s views on finding happiness. he says that happiness is inside of us just waiting to be discovered. this was an example: after friend A saw friend B eating desert, she said out loud that she didnt want to put on weight, so she didnt want to have desert. this made friend A upset, till he realized that it was absurd: his friend was making the choice not him!!, he didnt need to spoil his happiness:) so my dear readers,think about it:) and pls post replys thanks!!! Labels: Always look on the bright side of life (hums tune) Darmuis blogged at 6:48 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 Hello everyone welcome to my blog...as i dont really know what to write, and im kinda outta time to continue this post(yes dad im coming), i`ll jus end off by saying : welcome:) Labels: Hmm..what is most important to you? Darmuis blogged at 7:13 AM
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