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Thursday, February 3, 2011
The malay version This is a great,great song! There's versions in Malay,Mandarin,Korean and even Tagalog! That's how popular this song is. Guaranteed this song is played in my bunk every day,we all sing along to it:) Life's good but I'm worried. Worried for my financial future. My education. My life after training. And worried about two girls. Sigh. Lots of worries for one person huh? Yeah,tell me about it. But its ok, I'm not that stressed or anything. Sometimes,all you need is to take a step back and let life show you the way. Trying too hard to control the present never helps,so take a deeeep breath and smile. Cause its going to be ok,that I promise! My training in HTA TRACOM is nearly done! I'm seriously seriously going to miss my training days! Lepak(relax) in bunk, PTs, Law lessons and Drills plus everything inbetween,gonna miss it all! Going to miss getting pumped for the simplest mistakes,getting random bunk inspections, getting pumped on book-out day,getting f#$%ed for the smallest errors. But most of all, I will miss my squadmates. I will never find a more supportive,caring and irritating bunch anywhere else. My squad is the best! And not forgetting my FI too, I hope he learned from us because we certainly learnt from him. He's a good man and I wish him all the best for his new squad! This last paragraph is reserved for my BUNKSAT! Bunkmates! Uzi, my buddy and my most trusted friend inside camp,always backing me up,forcing me to bath and looking out for me. Qayyum, the love meister and the guy sleeping next to me,always giving me advice about everything and asking me to switch off the fan. Hong Qi, the bunk guitarist and singer and the most craziest one in the bunk, thanks for all the music and songs created. Tracks include "where is the dust", "book-out song" and many others! Rahim my man, always steady and there for all of us, and running out of the bunk without his shirt on and hoping not to get caught. Alan, the only one still balanced but the guy who comes out of nowhere and burns you! An, squad timer and one of the nicest guys I have ever met,always calling my name and singing about me,with very power eyebrows! And finally, Asheik. The first one to start anything and our elder bro for all of us. His words have hidden wisdom and he'll back you up no matter what. So thank you BUNKSAT! Darmuis blogged at 5:53 AM
Monday, January 3, 2011 I love you. I truly do. And I miss you. So,so badly. I just want to make things right between us. Whether it be now or tonight. The times and tides have passed,but I'm still stuck in the moment. That night,that memory. And I wonder what was it I said or did. That you couldn't feel the way I did for you. Now my life is great. I'm on my way to being a Police Officer, something which I want to be. I have the greatest friends and the best family on earth. I've gotten a little bit fitter since enlistment. But I just need you. You're that missing piece in the puzzle that is my life. And it's not as if I can just order a replacement. Because I can't replace you in the puzzle,in those memories,in my heart. So if you're reading this, Just call me or text me, I'm still waiting for that reply. I love you. I miss you. Darmuis blogged at 12:43 AM
Saturday, December 4, 2010 Well I realise it's been a month since I updated my blog,hahaha. Guess I either was too lazy or tired or didnt have time or stuff like that,you know lah:) Watched this movie with Cherie yesterday,fell in love with this song. It's really beautiful and I reccomend this movie for anyone who wants a good laugh and a heart-warming love story:) I've been enlisted into the Singapore Police Force. Its been 1month 2weeks,and honestly speaking I'm loving it. Really. In the beginning, during my confinement week, I was tired and exhausted from the training, fed up and angry with all the scoldings and insults from the FI's(Field Instructors) and really,really homesick. I wondered why I even wanted to be a regular officer in this place. But now, as I've finished the confinement week and as I start my learning as a police officer, I realise that we must endure pain to see results. I believe that in just 2 weeks, I lost about 2~3kg ! Police training is tough,no joke about that,but must endure. Why? because PAIN IS GOOD! Haha. I miss my family the most when I'm in there. Although my squad mates are the best and we are like a second family, I will miss home nearly every night. Miss my mother's cooking,watching tv and talking to my dad...hot showers..sigh:( I also miss you guys alot too! Sometimes when polishing boots and got nothing to do, I will wonder what you guys are doing and where you guys are at that moment. Miss all the times we hang out to chill:( But its ok,during the short weekends that I have, I try to get back all these:) Well that's all for now. Do feel free to call me at night to chat after 9:30pm hahaha,then I can give you a fully-detailed story. Ciao! Darmuis blogged at 4:51 PM
Saturday, October 16, 2010 Well,the O levels kick off in 5 days. Stress is here with me,so is tension. Tiredness somewhere here too. Sigh. What's new(old) in my life Well I've got a letter from the Police Force asking me to go for a medical appointment. I don't know if that means I might have been accepted or not,but shall continue praying hard. I need this job,I really do. I've been working just twice at my old place(once on friday,once more tomorrow) and I am tired. My aunt and dad ask me why am I working when I will probably start a full time job? I've told them that it's just twice. You see,I'm short of money. Real bad. I would also love not to work and just do something I like for a change or study something I want to learn about. But sacrifices must be made for these dreams. I need the money,urgently. It's not that I owe people money,it's just that I am genuinely tired of pulling money from here so it can be spent there only to save it there so that it can be spent somewhere else again. Let's just hope that with a new job,the situation improves. Matters of the heart Let me be honest: no time for this already lah! Haha. There is a girl I am interested in,but I don't have the time nor energy(nor money) to chase after her. And another more bigger problem; I don't know how to start a conversation with her! Yeah,that's right, noisy,talkative can't-shut-up Adnan can't talk to a girl! Hahaha. Sometimes I really wonder what is it that guys do to attract girls to them? Hm.m... Misc I'm feeling very warm. Weather is horrible. Very tired from last night's shift. So yeah. Darmuis blogged at 1:10 AM
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Well,its approximately two weeks to go before I sit for my GCE O Levels. And slightly two weeks later, I'll be off to NS. Time flies man:) What's new(old) in my life So right now, I'm trying my best to run every day,study and at the same time cut down on going out. Partly because of study time and partly because I'm low on cash anyway. Maybe it's time to pay my debtors a visit hahaha. I can't explain it, but recently I seem....more cold. I distance myself from my emotions. I don't know why, but I'm afraid to feel anything. That does'nt mean I've become more mean or anything like that...it just means that I seem to be cut off from feeling emotions. Hmm. It's said that if you want something badly enough,the entire universe will conspire with you to achieve it. Well right now I just want to get my O's over and done with. I'm really so tired of studying. I just want to do something else for a change. Although I see my friends around me not really enjoying their working lives, I want to stop studying. Or at least take a break from it for abit. Sigh Matters of the heart Now,for matters of the heart... well so far that space is still empty. Honestly it is,if any readers are getting any interesting ideas. I don't know why, but it just seems to remain that way. But I will say that it is not totally hopeless. I do have someone I maybe kinda want to know better. Problem is, I have'nt even been able to add her on Facebook! Hahaha, maybe one step at a time eh? Misc On a totally off-topic post, I want to congratulate my dear Qiurui for experiencing the reverse bungee! Hahahahaha! :) oh yeah, couple of birthdays coming up, time to go card-hunting. Darmuis blogged at 5:37 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2010 Baby are you down down down? Even if the sky is falling down:) Hahaha, that song is probably going to be a hit 20 years from now. It's a great song:) So after that emo post, I've had quite an emo weekday but so far, this weekend seems alright. Im going hiking tomorrow alone I guess:( Oh well, I can't force people to like hiking,its something that's gotta be liked by yourself. It'll be lonely hiking by myself thorough. It ain't so bad with my MP3 player with me. I'm only gonna break break your heart, break break your heart... yet another nice song which might last for another 10 years..? And no, I'm not heartbroken in any sort of way,it's just a nice song! Hahaha:) Suddenly feeling lonely,might call Cherie for abit. Meeting Qiu tmr at AMK Hub to buy bike gloves. The SPF has'nt called me back yet for regular police officer work. I'm worried:( Dingjie's coming back tonight,welcome back bro! And James, keep on watching Every Singaporean's Son, it's worth it. And I want to watch "How I met your mother"! Maybe I'm going to make that call now,goodnight guys:) Darmuis blogged at 7:04 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Well I've realized I've not really updated for nearly a month. Well no one seems to mind,judging by my chatbox. I really don't understand you. How did you do it? It must have been very easy,because it seems that you're alright with your life right now. How did you take me away from your life? Please,tell me. I wish to know that secret too. Because I don't know why till now, even though it's been so long and my feelings have long faded away,I still feel that anguish when I see your Facebook updates. How did you do it,really? How did you cut me,your friends,all of us out of your life so thoroughly without a sense of guilt whatsoever? I agree that now,all of us have many priorities in our lives. I have my O's,possible future career as a police officer and much more. But I still make time for my dear friends. Why? Because I care about them,because I don't want the bonds of friendship which I worked so hard to build to decay and rot away. Because I give a damn whether they're healthy or sick, happy or upset, in love or out of love. You just left us all. Not only me,but your other two friends. How could you even bear to do it? Yes,I know you're trying to start up your own business and it takes lots of effort,time and patience. Yes,your family needs you to be their pillar and their source of strength. I can understand. But what about us? Do we really mean so little to you,that you just cast us aside like leaves on the road? When I say I'll be there for you, I do my best to fulfill those words. Do you? If you think that its jealously that's speaking, you're really sadly mistaken. I'm happy that you've found someone who probably loves you more that I did,someone who will stand by your side no matter what. I'm glad that you've a reason to smile. But what happened to us? Yes,maybe we were too young,maybe I rushed things,maybe I did many things I shouldn't have. Maybe I should not even bring up the past again. But let me just say this: we've been with you for more than 5 years, he has only been in your life for...2 years or more? you've made so many memories with us and you choose to let them all go,for this guy? All I have to say is:all the best to you,because I really have nothing more to say beyond those words. I'm sorry for making everyone else read such a long passage. Will update soon with a more lively one. And you,I'm sure you know who you are. Darmuis blogged at 4:47 AM
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